Childcare Corner Open House: Sunday, February 9th

Everyone is invited to an Open House for our church’s Childcare Corner on Sunday, February 9th, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Childcare Corner, previously known as the nursery of Duluth First United Methodist Church, is located just behind the Dorothy L. Rainey Fellowship Hall, so please stop by and see us. We will be having a Scavenger Hunt, so put on those thinking caps. The first 25 people to complete the hunt with the correct answers will win a goodie bag.

A Love Donation of Clorox wipes, Lysol spray (lemon or fresh scent is preferred), wet wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, and bottles of school glue would be greatly appreciated. Donated items can be left in the little red wagon in the Dorothy L. Rainey Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your generosity. We appreciate your kindness.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Sunday, February 9th

Human Trafficking Is a Serious Issue
Human trafficking is a serious problem worldwide. Often, we think it is not here in the United States, but trafficking is in all 50 states and right here in our own community. Human trafficking comes in many forms. It can be coerced labor such as hotel workers, farm workers or restaurant workers, as well as sexual exploitation. It can affect persons at any age. Sometimes sexual exploitation occurs with a family member or a known trusted person.

If you suspect something, the best idea is to call the hotline to get advice about what to do. Do not confront the people directly as that could put the victim at risk. The hotline is 888-373-7888.

The State of Georgia has passed many laws in the last 10 years that make sexual trafficking more difficult for the traffickers, and releasing the victim from prostitution charges, plus helping the victims to rehabilitate.

Many organizations in our community are working to put an end to human trafficking, and to help rescue victims. For example, Street Grace works to protect children and youth from sexual exploitation and Wellspring Living’s mission is transforming lives of those at risk or victimized by sexual exploitation.

Anytime there is a big event, whether it be sport related, concerts or conventions, human trafficking increases. It’s time to put a STOP to human trafficking. So, on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th, the United Women in Faith are asking you to wear BLUE which is the International Color of Human Trafficking Awareness.

Human Trafficking “Did You Know?”
You are encouraged to wear blue on Sunday, February 9th, as it is the international color of Human Trafficking Awareness. Did you know that:

  • The United States State Department says that there are 27.6 million victims of human trafficking worldwide at any given time.
  • Human trafficking is the exploitation of a person’s labor by coercion, power or control. Coercion can be done through drugs and/or a love belonging issue.
  • If you suspect human trafficking, the best idea is to call the hotline at 888-373-7888 to get advice about what to do. Do not confront the people directly as that could put the victim in more risk.
  • In 27 states children can be charged as prostitutes. The State of Georgia is NOT one of them. In 19 states sexual trafficking is not considered child abuse, So the victim is criminalized.
  • 40% of human traffickers use black women and girls because they think they will get less jail time if the victim is black.
  • Many victims of human trafficking deal with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), nightmares and the shame blanket that weighs them down. Most victims say the issue that causes them the most stress is sexual trauma before the age of 13. Victims need to be rewired as their body is the scene of the crime.

How can we help? We need to work inward first and deal with our biases. We need to be intentional and educate ourselves and others about human trafficking. We need to have redemptive vision.  We need to share our stories. Secrecy is what enables trafficking.

“A Path to God: The Enneagram as Spiritual Practice” Class Begins Sunday, February 9th

The Enneagram is growing in popularity as a personality typing tool, but it is so much more! In fact, the Enneagram is a wonderful tool for spiritual formation. Learning our Enneagram type can help us identify specific ways in which we are invited to share God with the world, the patterns that get in the way of our doing that, and the spiritual practices that return our focus to God and our true calling.
Join us as we explore this fascinating tool at the “A Path to God: The Enneagram as Spiritual Practice” class which will meet on Sunday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m., beginning February 9th and continuing through March 16th, in room F207 (please note updated location), located on the 2nd floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center. The class will be led by Kristen Vincent, an award-winning author, speaker, and artisan whose passion is spiritual formation.

Registration is required to ensure that you have the needed materials. The deadline to register is Friday, January 31st. To register, please contact Tracy Brinker by e-mail at, or call 770-476-3776.  If you need childcare, please let her know.

Smart Casual and Formal Wear Collection for Duluth High School Students

We will again be collecting very smart casual and formal wear for the Duluth Care Team from Sunday, February 9th, through Wednesday, March 12th. If you have gently used dresses, sport coats, suits, tuxedos, and footwear, you can help provide appropriate dress for students at Duluth High School to wear to prom who otherwise would not be able to.

The collection areas for donated clothing items will be in the Dorothy L. Rainey Fellowship Hall and on the 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center. For more information, please contact Rev. David Burchett by e-mail at

Youth Ministry Sunday Night Gatherings

Students in the 6th through 12th grades are invited to join us on Sunday nights for Sunday Night Gatherings from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Center (“The Fish Tank”), located on the 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center. Sunday Night Gatherings include great dinners, fun games, amazing worship, inspirational and relevant messages and life-changing small groups.

Our schedule for the month of February is:

  • Sunday, February 9th: Super Bowl Party at 5:30 p.m. until halftime in the Youth Center (“The Fish Tank”);
  • Sunday, February 16th: Sunday Night Gathering at 5:30 p.m. in the Youth Center (“The Fish Tank”);
  • Sunday, February 23rd: Sunday Night Gathering at 5:30 p.m. in the Youth Center (“The Fish Tank”).

Please click on YOUTH MINISTRY for more information.

Questions? Please contact Rev. Min Lee, Director of Youth Ministries, by e-mail at

Join Our Church’s Young Adult Ministry

If you are between 18 and mid 30’s, or you know someone who is, the Young Adult Ministry needs you. We would love to have you join us for Bible study and fellowship on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in room E132 (located in the hallway behind the Sanctuary), and also for our fun, off campus events. For more information, please contact Rev. David Burchett by e-mail at

Celebrating Black History Month

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the unique contributions of African Americans to the American history. Whatever your heritage or background, black history is part of everyone’s history.

The General Commission on Religion and Race has compiled 29 suggestions to help United Methodists celebrate Black History Month during this year. Some ways to celebrate may include educating yourself on black history or the various African American Methodist movements. You might also support local African American businesses/charities or participate in local advocacy. You can also explore black literature, film and music that convey the unique voices and experiences of the culture.

Simply Psalms Classes: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Come join us for Simply Psalms, a Bible study of the Book of Psalms, led by Rev. Dr. C. Kay Fuino and Rev. Beth Brown Shugart. Each week we will study one Psalm during the one-hour class. The same class will be offered twice a week:

  • Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in room F145, located on the 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in room F147, located on the 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center.

On Tuesday, February 11th, and Wednesday, February 12th, we will study Psalm 52.

For additional information, please contact Rev. Beth Brown Shugart by e-mail at, or call 770-476-3776, ext. 128.

Wednesday Night Dinner in Hinton Hall:

February 12th

Join us for a time of food and fellowship around the table with family and friends at our Wednesday Night Dinner from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Hinton Hall. Chef Henry Roerig, our Food Ministry Manager, along with our very talented and dedicated Dinner Belles and Beaus volunteers prepare excellent meals at very reasonable prices.

The menu for February 12th is homemade lasagna, green beans, sautéed zucchini, oven-baked tomatoes, garlic bread, and dessert. For the kids – pizza.

Dinners are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Hinton Hall, with to-go boxes available from 6 to 6:30 p.m.


The prices for Wednesday Night Dinners are:

  • $10.00 for adults (including seniors and from 11 years up);
  • $7.00 for children 10 years and younger;
  • $30.00 for family meals (nuclear family members only – husband, wife, their children under 18 years);
  • $7.00 for salad bar only, which includes the salad bar, a choice of baked potato or sweet potato, dessert and a drink.

Credit/debit card payments, as well as cash and checks, are accepted.

Wednesday Night Activities

Join us on Wednesday evenings for the following activities at Duluth First UMC:

  • Book Bunch for kids (ages 3 – 4): 6:15 to 6:30 p.m. in The Louise McDaniel Memorial Library, 2nd floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • DuluthKids (ages Kindergarten through 5th grade): 6 to 7 p.m. in the Youth Center, 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Youth Bible Study (grades 6 – 12): 6 to 7 p.m. in room F149, 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Parent Connection Group: 6 to 7 p.m., room F145, 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Adult small group studies - “Simply Psalms”: 6 to 7 p.m. in room F207, 2nd floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Yarn Arts Ministry: 6 to 7 p.m. in room F205, 2nd floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Happy Sacks: 6 to 6:15 p.m. in room F152, 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center;
  • Chancel Choir Rehearsals: 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Don Lee Music Suite.

Wednesday Night Food Drive:  February 12th

The Wednesday Night Food Drive at Duluth First UMC for the Hands of Christ Duluth Co-Op is our weekly mission project, combined with the many Wednesday evening activities offered at the church. On February 12th we ask you to bring boxes of cereal.

A table for donated items will be located outside of the main entrance to Hinton Hall. Join us for a delicious dinner and fellowship in Hinton Hall, pick up a to-go dinner for your family, join us for any of our Wednesday evening activities, and drop off food items to help other families in need. We thank you for your support.

Wednesday Night Dinner in Hinton Hall:

February 19th

Join us for a time of food and fellowship around the table with family and friends at our Wednesday Night Dinner from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Hinton Hall. Chef Henry Roerig, our Food Ministry Manager, along with our very talented and dedicated Dinner Belles and Beaus volunteers prepare excellent meals at very reasonable prices.


The menu for February 19th is pot roast, oven roasted potatoes, carrots, English peas, rolls, and dessert. For the kids – hamburgers and French fries.


Dinners are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Hinton Hall, with to-go boxes available from 6 to 6:30 p.m.


The prices for Wednesday Night Dinners are:

  • $10.00 for adults (including seniors and from 11 years up);
  • $7.00 for children 10 years and younger;
  • $30.00 for family meals (nuclear family members only – husband, wife, their children under 18 years);
  • $7.00 for salad bar only, which includes the salad bar, a choice of baked potato or sweet potato, dessert and a drink.

Credit/debit card payments, as well as cash and checks, are accepted.

Save the Date for a Seminar About Aging for Everybody:  Saturday, February 22nd

Do you age in place or is it time to move? Join us at Duluth First UMC on Saturday, February 22nd, for a seminar providing helpful information about aging for everybody. The seminar will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Dorothy L. Rainey Fellowship Hall. Bethany Baker from Senior Provisions will help us navigate the many options available for staying in your house or choosing to move. We will also hear from The Junkluggers, an organization that specializes in downsizing. Lucy from The Junkluggers and Bethany from Senior Provisions  will lead us in “Declutter and Downsize” to learn about green ways to downsize and plan for the next stage in life.

Please let us know if you plan to attend by contacting Tracy Brinker by e-mail at or calling 770-476-3776.

Chamber Chorale Winter Concert:

Sunday, February 23rd

Join the Chamber Chorale on Sunday afternoon, February 23rd, at 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary as they present “A Few of Our Favorites”. The title says it all - we looked back at the anthems we have sung the last seventeen years, and chose a few of our favorites to share with you.

We hope you’ll join us, and invite a friend! The concert is free and open to all. Childcare will be available.

Wednesday Night Dinner in Hinton Hall:

February 26th

Join us for a time of food and fellowship around the table with family and friends at our Wednesday Night Dinner from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Hinton Hall. Chef Henry Roerig, our Food Ministry Manager, along with our very talented and dedicated Dinner Belles and Beaus volunteers prepare excellent meals at very reasonable prices.


February 26th is “Breakfast for Dinner” Night and the menu includes breakfast quiche, a choice of bacon or sausage, cheese grits, French toast sticks, biscuits, and dessert. For the kids – the same.


Dinners are served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Hinton Hall, with to-go boxes available from 6 to 6:30 p.m.


The prices for Wednesday Night Dinners are:

  • $10.00 for adults (including seniors and from 11 years up);
  • $7.00 for children 10 years and younger;
  • $30.00 for family meals (nuclear family members only – husband, wife, their children under 18 years);
  • $7.00 for salad bar only, which includes the salad bar, a choice of baked potato or sweet potato, dessert and a drink.

Credit/debit card payments, as well as cash and checks, are accepted.

Operation: Taste of Home “Cookies for Soldiers” Collection Drive

You are invited to participate in the 2025 Operation: Taste of Home, the Hugs for Soldiers Ministry’s 22nd annual “Gift of Caring: Cookies for Soldiers” Collection Drive of Girl Scout cookies for our military men and women. Girl Scout cookies are a great symbol of America, and in fact, they continue to be one of the most requested items by soldiers.

Show your support for our soldiers and your local Girl Scouts by purchasing an EXTRA box or two of cookies. This is a wonderful community service project for our Girl Scouts along with their families, friends, and neighbors to support our soldiers. Deployed soldiers are in stressful situations, but when they receive a box of cookies from home, it sends a message to the troops that America is thinking of them and their safe return.  
You may drop off your cookies in the collection box located inside the back entrance to the Sheldon Family Life Center. You can also attach a personal message to your donated boxes - 2” x 4” mailing labels work best.

Thank you for helping us put a smile on a service member’s face! If you have any questions, please contact Angie Doerlich by e-mail at

Vacation Bible School 2025 in Need of “Retired” Artificial Christmas Trees and Garland

Vacation Bible School at Duluth First UMC is months away, and this year’s theme will be True North – Trusting Jesus in a Wild World, taking kids on a virtual adventure through the Alaskan wilderness and guiding them toward the Savior. Among other plans, we hope to create an indoor forest-like scene using as many artificial trees and greenery as we can get our hands on.

If you’re looking to “retire” your aging artificial tree or garland this year, please reach out to Bryan Taylor by e-mail at You can bring it to the church, or even have it picked up from your home!

Registration is Now Open for Camp Glisson Summer 2025

‘Tis the season for summer camp registration! Early registration for Summer 2025 at Camp Glisson, is now open for members of North Georgia United Methodist churches and returning families of Summer 2024 campers.

Glisson Camp & Retreat Center offers Summer Camp in the forests surrounding Cane Creek Falls near Dahlonega, GA. Since 1925, this place has become holy ground as thousands have had their faith strengthened through God’s presence there in creation and Christian community. Camp Glisson is part of the North Georgia Camp & Retreat Ministries of the United Methodist Church’s North Georgia Conference.

Registration is open to everyone. To see the schedule and/or register, please go to

Stay Connected with Your Church:  MinistryOne Mobile App

Duluth First United Methodist Church’s Ministry One app for mobile devices allows you to:

  • Watch sermons on your mobile device.
  • Make donations to the church.
  • Easily update your contact information.
  • Connect with other members through the online directory.

To install the app on your mobile device, just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the app store on your mobile phone and search for CHURCH MINISTRYONE. The icon is purple with a white cross in the middle of it.
  2. Once it is downloaded, open the app and enter “Duluth First United Methodist Church” in the box just above the blue FIND YOUR CHURCH button, then click the button.
  3. When the church’s name comes up, click on it.  It will move to a larger screen and at the bottom of that screen, click SELECT THE CHURCH.
  4. It will ask you to allow the app to send you notifications. We would recommend clicking ALLOW.
  5. In the bottom right, click profile.  Sign in with your e-mail (the one you use for church communications) and your mobile phone number.  The spaces for your e-mail and phone number are below the words E-MAIL and MOBILE PHONE NUMBER.  Do not sign using the username/password function.
  6. Click NEXT and it will ask you for a way to send you a validation code.  Click TEXT ME THE CODE.  Enter the code and click NEXT.
  7. After you do this, it will take you back to the menu screen and you should now have a 7th box that says PEOPLE.  This is the directory.

If you would like a copy of the MinistryOne app installation instructions to print out, please click on MINISTRYONE APP INSTRUCTIONS.

Having problems and need help? Please contact Director of Communications, by e-mail at or call the church office at 770-476-3776.